Monday 4 July 2011

Hawaii Beach Party

This is a pet peeve of mine. What's wrong with putting your phone in your pocket? Everyone knows you're not that important because if you were, you wouldn't have to wear your phone on your belt. Your personal assistant would carry your phone for you. If you can't fit your phone in your pocket, then your pants are probably too tight and you should do everyone a favor and get bigger pants, but heed the warning of #9. Unless you're a construction worker, cop, and I'll even through in farmer and cowboy (because they get too dirty to make good fashion choices), put the phone in your pocket or I'll make fun of you. I digress.

Hawaii Beach Party
Hawaii Beach Party
Hawaii Beach Party
Hawaii Beach Party
Hawaii Beach
Hawaii Beach Party
Hawaii Beach PartyCreate quality posters and prints of all of your favorite images and photographs. Zazzle offers five different print sizes from Portfolio to Colossal for all of your decorating and presentation purposes. Made with premium UV-resistant archival ink, Zazzle prints are available on seven different media, from basic poster paper to canvas. Add extra oomph to your prints with custom-fitted frames and matting that will turn any wall into your own personal store.

* Images are printed at no less than 100ppi (pixels per inch)
* Zazzle’s quality prints are sharp and highly saturated.
* Printed with UV-resistant archival ink.
* Choose from a variety of print media from basic poster to canvas.
* Huge selection of frames and mats, custom-fit by hand to your print!

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